Almost a month has passed since the terrible storm that destroyed many villages of the Valencia region. The devastating images of people that were stuck in their towns traveled the world. But as time goes by, the everyday struggle in Valencia only becomes more real, and it becomes obvious that we have to help in whatever way we can. At the same time, it can feel far away for those who don’t live there, and it can be hard to know what to do, or what can be meaningful help.
As musicians, and especially those of us who come from this area which we call "La Terreta", we feel the urge to connect and to help more than ever! Many musical associations in Valencia have also been destroyed by the storm. The music associations of the villages of Valencia are a lot more than just wind bands: it is a very deeply rooted part of the Valencia culture to gather in the so-called "Bandas". These are places to drink coffee in the morning, to teach a new instrument to every single child, but they are also safe spaces for the elderly to spend long days together. The Bandas are not only the homes of the music associations: they are everything from a school to a social club, forming an important part of the cultural identity of each village.
We want to come together for a concert in CASA SAGA with a very clear purpose: to support the Bandas of the Valencia region. We believe that, by supporting these associations, we are supporting the whole community. We believe that they are indispensable, and that if they survive, then the whole town will slowly flourish back. The music itself will create the opportunity to connect, across the distance, and across language barriers. Donations will be collected both in cash and via bank transfer at the venue. However, if you prefer to contribute to the cause directly, you can find the links of the associations we want to support.